Twenty years ago to the day, we decided that what Brooklynn really needed was a good film festival. Unfortunately, it didn't have one and nobody thought about making one ... until now! This year marks the beginning of a new era: the first annual Brooklynn Outdoor Film Festival. This is a festival for those who love the comfort of lawn chairs and the open air. It's an event for people who like sharing their popcorn with the local squirrels. Bring your kids, bring your dog, bring your cat (if you're into that) and sit down for an evening of fine cinema history.

Over the last couple of decades, the masterminds behind this event have thought long and hard about what kind of films a film festival truly needs in order to be the greatest it can be. The result of this great intellectual effort is a list of movies so stupefyingly brillant we're sure that you will wet your pants with excitement at the mere prospect of spending an entire week basking in their flawless execution and unprecedented production values. Every night of the festival we'll be showing three of the finest movies ever to have graced the planet. Go on over to our list of films to have a look at what we have to offer!